Hi, I’m Yoni Wolf, a songwriter and producer for various projects including WHY?, which is the primary vehicle for my personal songwriting— and past projects like cLOUDDEAD, Yoni & Geti, Hymie’s Basement, etc. etc.  I’m excited to have this place to archive my WHY? songs as I write them, house my podcast (The Wandering Wolf), and maybe collect some poems, a short story or two, and some illustrations in the near future.  If you want to follow along in real time and get an inside look into my myriad work at various steps in the process, sign up.  I’d love to have you along for the ride :)

Subscribe to get full access to the newsletter, podcast, and publication archives. Paid subscriptions receive one new demo song per month plus full access to the archive of demos, covers, golden ticket songs, illustrations, and at some point other writings.

Subscribe to Yoni Wolf’s Wet Paint

A window into my daily practice of songwriting, demo making, illustrating, song covering, and podcasting.


Yoni Wolf has spent his life traveling the sonic terrain where underground hip hop, avant-pop, and psych-rock meet. Most recently with WHY?, but he has been involved in many other projects; Yoni & Geti, Hymie’s Basement, and the seminal cLOUDDEAD.